Private School

Sanford School

“It’s amazing what you have been able to do with the videos. We love them!

 Before School Storytellers

CPC (cost per click): $1.58

CTR (link click-through rate): 0.65%

Impressions: 61,132

After School Storytellers

CPC (cost per click): $0.93

CTR (link click-through rate): 1.24%

Impressions: 275,157

The data deep dive is incredible. I hate to admit this, but it’s the most thorough look at our data we’ve done in the two decades I’ve been here.”

— Sanford School

Scroll-stopping creatives.

Ads created using existing client video footage and photography paired with stock footages.

Stand-out storytelling.

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Book your free strategy call today!


The Quaker School


Notre Dame High School