How do you create an awesomely effective private school Facebook ad?

If you’ve spent time on Facebook lately, it may not come as a surprise that close to 50% of time spent on the platform is dedicated to watching videos.

It's a testament to the power of visual storytelling in our digital age – and it’s also a golden opportunity for your private school.

By sharing your school's story, achievements, and offerings through engaging videos that resonate with the cares, concerns, wants, and needs of your dream families, you can begin creating a meaningful connection with prospects before they ever step foot on your campus.

That’s why, here at School Storytellers, we always recommend video ads over static image ads on Facebook – and our results support that strategy:

In addition, Facebook marked our campaigns as high-performing, which means they have the lowest Cost-Per-Clicks and the highest Click-Through-Rates when compared to industry benchmarks.

Video advertising on Facebook is a fantastic way for private schools to attract dream families, impact enrollment, and grow school influence.

Want to seize this potential?

Partner with School Storytellers, where we specialize in helping schools craft their unique stories and transform those stories into high-converting enrollment campaigns.

Book a free consultation with us today.


How to Increase Your School’s Social Media Engagement


Facebook vs Google: Which one is better for private school advertising?